Bad Boy Mowers, Lawn Care Tips and more lawn advice!

How do I take care of my lawn with Bad Boy Mowers? Everyone has their own set of lawn care tips. As a nation of property owners, everyone spends a sunny day mowing their lawn. But, Wakarusa Ag wants to know everything you’re doing for your lawn. Whether it’s cutting the grass, laying down manure for growth or readying your land for the next season, these are our tips to for overall lawn care.

Lawn Care begins with Bad Boy

Bad Boy Mowers have a home at Wakarusa Ag. While you might see high-end mowers at a variety of businesses, we want to show you why Bad Boy Mowers are so awesome. That’s why we’re going to bring down the most frequently asked questions we receive about Bad Boy Mowers.

When it comes to the fuel you should use in your Mowers, Bad Boy recommends not needing anything high octane. Maintenance schedules will vary by the particular model. When in doubt, contact your local Bad Boy Mower dealer. In this case, it would be Wakarusa Ag.

Bad Boy Mowers are also not recommended for blade sharpening. The mower powerhouse recommends replacing the blades, rather than impacting the cut by sharpening the blade. A shorter blade can’t cut the lawn as well.

Mowers, Scag and Lawn Care Needs

Scag mowers are commercial mowers that can almost reach costs of $19,000. While every mower is going to have its advantage and disadvantages, that price point is going to scare off its fair share of entry level customers. What’s funny is when you examine the cost of Scag vs. other mower brands. Prices have been rising for the past decade, so the steep Scag price is now seeming not as high anymore.

Skid steers also have a wide variety of applications. Wakarusa Ag wants to see you find the skid steer and skid steer attachment that works for you. Are you lifting heavy materials like rocks? Needing to level land for a smooth construction base? Skid steer attachments can help.

Compact and utility tractors are classes of tractor defined by horsepower and utility. The compact tractors are popular with smaller farmers, homeowners with big lawns and gardeners. Utility tractors can be low or medium horsepower. They tend to get used in construction with attachments, but also for pulling around equipment.

Manure spreading and your farm

Manure application comes in many forms. Wakarusa is a big fan of Jamesway and its various manure applications. But whether it’s a manure spreader or another device, the rules remain the same. Go slow, plan out your fertilizer pattern. Know that you’re going to use a lot, but don’t overspend. Beyond that, plan for environmental factors and record what you did. That way you can learn your manure spreading patterns for this season and beyond.

How to use tillage

Tillage equipment is a constant in modern farming. Many have been trying to find ways to work around this time-tested method, but the merits remain. You must replenish the nutrients in your soil between planting sessions.

The Seed Drill is as old as it gets in Agriculture. From 1400 BCE to Jethro Tull in the 1700s, farmers have been trying to optimize seed planting. A seed drill gives individual attention to each seed through direct measurements. Distances between seeds and amounts of dirt placed on top of each planting are measured by the driller.

The last few years have seen new efforts made in allowing for seed drilling without prior tillage. But, let’s examine the situation that most of us face each spring. How can you till a field in less time, yet be ready for planting as soon the ground is warm?

You use tillage to influence crop production by modifying the soil and making room for fertilizer stimulus. Taking care of weeds and adding to the soil comes next, as the goal is removing constraints from your soil. Now that we understand that, how do we deal with the grass made by a well fed soil?

How to make hay with Pottinger Equipment

Pottinger equipment has been one of the biggest Wakarusa Ag mainstays. While we deal with many companies, Pottinger is creating new products to best serve agriculture needs. Right now, Pottinger is making a tedder that rivals anything New Holland is bringing to the market. So, ask yourself…what are you doing to help your forage dry?

After a farmer mows their property, a wide swath of forage gets kicked up. Now, this is where the age old battle of a tedder vs. inverter comes into play. Tedding and inverting both fluff up the lawn forage and enhances drying. Forage is at its highest quality when first cut. Everything you do after that first cut results in loss of material and quality. A farmer can incur forage losses just be handling dry forage.

What a tedder does is breaking up forage that isn’t drying properly. They tend to deal with the denser material and are highly recommended for grass hay. Especially because grass hay dries into a fine mat. Alfalfa dries differently, so we can’t say that a tedder is recommended for that kind of hay.

Then, there is the case of the inverter. Inverting is a far more gentle process than tedding. You lose less forage than raking, but it can take a little longer. But, the chances of having quality loss with alfalfa diminishes with an inverter. So, what is a farmer to do?

Lawn Care Tips for the Working Farmer

There are still more lawn care tips that we want to share with everyone visiting Wakarusa Ag. While we would like to see everyone in a Bad Boy Mower, there is more to a lawn than mowing it. After all, how are you watering the grass and cultivating a better cut? Fertilizer and a sharp blade might be your first step, but we recommend you reach out to Wakarusa Ag for further assistance.

The final tip for mowing your lawn and spreading manure

Don’t do both at the same time, as it gums up the mower.

Just kidding. But, please…one task at a time.

Whether it’s with a Bad Boy Mower, a Scag or something else…you are the master of your lawn. What’s important to remember is that with a little patience and experience, it will return every year. When it does, reach out to your friends at Wakarusa Ag.

What seperates us from the rest

Why Choose UsWhy Choose Us

Research has shown that when a farmer is looking to buy a new piece of equipment for their farm the first step is to talk to a dealer and see what choices are available.  The next step is to talk to a neighbor or a farmer in a neighboring area or state to get their opinion.  It’s important to know what size of equipment you need.  It’s also important to consider if you are looking for a moderately priced brand or are you willing to pay a premium for one that meets the highest standards of the industry.

When you shop at Wakarusa Ag, their team will be taking all those factors into consideration alongside you. They are uniquely qualified to answer your questions because they have experience as farmers, dairymen, livestock producers and equipment retailers.  When you are looking for new equipment, rest assured, you will get expert advice from Wakarusa Ag.

Replacement Parts

Since 2014, Wakarusa Ag LLC has been offering the greater Michiana area quality OEM parts for all the brands we carry. We provide local businesses with farm equipment parts, construction equipment parts, and lawn equipment parts.

Service Department

Wakarusa Ag employs a team of experienced certified service technicians. We provide farm equipment service, construction equipment service, repairs, and maintenance on all the brands we carry.


Wakarusa Ag works with a variety of companies to provide you with the best farm and construction equipment financing options for you and your business. Together with our partners, we can help you acquire the equipment you need to operate your business successfully.


Wakarusa Ag offers farm equipment rentals and construction equipment rentals for all types of projects. We can help you get the equipment you need to get the job done right. Our personalized and flexible rental options are sure to suit your unique needs.